Sunday, May 27, 2012

One Chateau, Half a Family, and Some Horses

Spent the weekend at the ranchette.  A house-swap with the owners of my Mendocino house.

A lovely chateau complete with stable on some acres in Sebastopol.  

Mary Ann, (sis) joined me there.

Talked for nine hours straight never moving from our spot.  Occasionally a shift of position was required but we chatted up the backside without missing a beat.

Hugh (bro) and Barbara (sis-in-law) joined us the next day.   

We chatted and grazed ... and grazed... and conversed....  and grazed.


that is, when we weren't redecorating the chateau...   

If this were mine, I would...  

We laughed, we cried, we bid one another adieu.

I returned home to Mendo House, spit-shined, 
polished and wearing something new.

"To sleep, perchance to dream."

"Unless (new) experience be a jewel."

Another step forward into the unknown.

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